Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beauty is real

It's about time we let go of our self consciousness and be our true selves. To let go of the portrait of ourselves they made us carry for years through our young years while we hurried around trying to fit in and trying to improve ourselves more with the over priced products they sell us. Insuring us that after we will use this lip stick, our lips will be bigger and fuller and more appealing to the opposite or same sex. Or saying that if our bodies are not built a certain way or have a certain shape we are unattractive therefore they convince us that they could change us even though we look perfectly fine the way we are, we have natural beauty.So what if we don’t have the most alluring eyes or the flattest tummy? We have flaws and we have to live with them. No I’m not saying it’s bad if we use face cleanser and toner or a bit of eyeliner and shadow to make ourselves look pretty, there’s nothing absolutely wrong with that. It’s when girls start to go to the extreme with the make up as to were they look cheap and fake. Like they slap 4 layers of cover up that doesn’t even match their skin, or when they put on way to much eye shadow and lip gloss as to the point were they don’t look pretty or sexy they just look like Barbie dolls that were attacked by little girls armed with make up.It’s important for girls to realize their natural beauty, to be confident and the have a high self esteem and ignore what the media is saying about new ways to enhance yourself to the extreme. Girls you are beautiful no matter what the TV or anybody else says.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Bell.
    that's what you call INSPIRATIONAL!
